Centro Cultural Aztlan is pleased to present its 29th annual Superhero Exhibit and Contest!
This virtual exhibition is open to any students 6 to 18 years of age, from pre-kinder to High School. We asked students to identify a positive role model in their lives and create a drawing, illustration, painting, or sculpture of their Superhero. The key word and subject of this contest is “Super Heroes”, who the students consider as positive role models in their school, community, or home. Special attention was be given to creativity and originality on the subject. Artwork is open to any media.
High School Student’s gallery Exhibition runs through May 25th, Monday-Thursday, 10AM-4PM. We recommend calling 210-432-1986 to schedule a viewing.
Video Premiere: Friday, May 28th, 2021 7PM
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CentroCulturalAztlan/live/ and YouTube: https://youtu.be/ZWLfhofxT50

Video presentation and virtual gallery will be on our website, Facebook and YouTube permanently.
Due to the Covid-19 outbreak we had to adapt our exhibition and opening reception. All the artwork entered will be displayed in a virtual gallery on Facebook and on our website (BELOW). All of the High School student’s work and special honorable mentions from each school will be featured on a virtual presentation on a video on Facebook and YouTube.
48th Annual Segundo de Febrero Exhibit: Esperanza Brava
Centro Cultural Aztlan has produced and presented the annual Segundo de Febrero exhibit since 1977 in an effort to preserve Mexican American history and culture. This exhibit commemorates the 177th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the ending of the U.S. Mexican war, and the redistribution of a border—creating a new...
29th Annual Virgen de Guadalupe group exhibition
“Am I not here who am your mother” Coatlaxopeuh to Cuauhtlatuohac, (Juan Diego) 1531 On the hill of Tepeyac On December 12, 1531, on a hill called Tepeyac in Mexico, a middle age Indian named Juan Diego saw a vision of a lady whose garments gleamed of light, color and splendor. She spoke in the...
47th annual Dia de los Muertos Exhibit and Celebration
Centro Cultural Aztlan is pleased to continue the tradition in presenting its 47th annual Día de los Muertos with a dual exhibition. Galeria Expresión I will feature Las Catrinas exhibiton by Frank W. Harris III, A series of paintings depicting the folkloric image of La Catrina in different Trajes Regionales or traditional regional regalia. Frank...
Newspaper Boys: Ayer y Hoy en San Anto
Centro Cultural Aztlan is pleased to present Newspaper Boys: Ayer y Hoy en San Anto Centro Cultural Aztlan presents Newspaper Boys: Ayer y Hoy en San Anto on Friday, August 9, 2024 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. This is a two-man exhibit featuring new works by visual artists Oscar A. Galván Jr. and Martin Emmanuel Rangel...