Midsummer Solstice: A Celebration of Life, Balance and Renewal

Centro Cultural Aztlan is pleased to present Midsummer Solstice: A Celebration of Life, Balance and Renewal exhibit. Join Centro Cultural Aztlan for the first ever dual exhibition featuring Midsummer Solstice: A Celebration of Life, Balance and Renewal in Galería Expresión I and The Project: MASA Cosmic Couture Portrait Collection, the first exhibit to open in our new gallery space, Galería Expresión II. These two exhibits come together for a stellar experience commemorating cosmic events and exploring our collective cosmology. Each year in June, the Summer Solstice marks the Northern Hemisphere’s longest day and shortest night of the year – Midsummer. The Mayans oriented their sacred sites, like Chichén Itzá, with the cycles of the Sun. Indigenous peoples synchronize their agricultural and ceremonial calendars with these solar cycles. Human beings need to return to these cycles to recuperate harmony and balance with Life. The English word “solstice” comes from the Latin word solstitium, meaning “sun standing still,” since at the solstice the sun appears to stand still in its path across the horizon. This mid-point in the sun’s annual movement symbolizes transformation and renewal, or death and rebirth. Artwork in this exhibit is inspired by these themes. Participating artists include: Richard Arredondo, Rita Maria Contreras, Celeste De Luna, Mónica Estrada-Saldaña, Oscar Galvan Jr., Noe Garza, Debi Lively, Angelica Mayorga, Angel Moreno, Alexandra Nelipa, Adriana Netro, Denise Perez, Lenise Perez-Miller, Kathleen Baker Pittman, Angelina Pliego, Martin Emmanuel Rangel, Sergio Angel Ruiz, Raul Servín, Sarah Shore, Anita Valencia, Michael Villanueva, Monica Walker, Robert Wilkens, Liliana Wilson, Theresa Ybáñez, and more.   Join us at the opening reception on Friday, June 14, 2024 from 6:00-9:00pm for light refreshments and live music The exhibit is free and open to the public and will be on view through Saturday, July 20th, 2024 Monday-Thursday, 10:00am-4:00pm, except during holidays. For more information, please call Centro Cultural Aztlan Monday through Thursday, 10am to 4pm at 210-432-1896 or come by Centro Cultural Aztlan’s office located in the Deco Building at 1800 Fredericksburg Road, Suite 103.